Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Artic Essay Example For Students
The Artic Essay Presentation. The Artic is a locale at the upper most tip of the NorthernHemisphere. The Artic incorporates the territory around Greenland, USSR,Canada and Alaska. A great part of the Artic circle is for all time frozenice. The Artic is a flawless situation, spotless and drained of humaninterference. Anyway as people move into these regions and beginto extricate what ever they can be parity can be tipped, resultingin contamination and decimation of the earth. We will compose a custom exposition on The Artic explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Atmosphere. The Artic winters any longer than the Summer. In the winter thesun never rises and in the late spring it never sets. The averagetemperature for the Artic is zero degrees of less. Industry and the Artic. Sometime in the past the place where there is the Artic Circle wasconsidered pointless and just affable to those local to it. Anyway once immense amounts of oil and fish had been found therewas a surge of enthusiasm for the land. Angling in the Artic has happened for a huge number of years yet inrecent years man has been angling the Artic; in more noteworthy numbersand taking more fish. Proficient anglers are taking all kindsof fish just as whales and seals. In certain territories anglers havebecome so productive at their particular employment that shares have expected to beput on to restrict or stop the catch of specific creatures. There are numerous mineral stores inside the Artic Circle. In Russia: nickel, iron metal, apatite, precious stones, gold, tin, coal,mica, and tungsten. In Sweden: iron metal. In Greenland: lead,zinc, molybdenum and cryolite. Spitsbergen: coal. Canada:uranium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, tungsten and iron mineral. The uncovering from underneath minerals would definitely upset the naturalhabitat just as the earth there would be an extraordinary expense tomaintain the site. Industry that is intended to process variousminerals have squander items that would be generally unwanted in theArtic. A genuine case of this is the contamination that has emerged asa consequence of the purifying of metals in the Artic. It is for thisreason that there is next to no industry in the Artic. HoweverRussia, Canada, Greenland and Iceland have a few little scalemanufacturing plants. The biggest business in the Artic is oil. The surge started in 1968when a huge oil field was found, there was an incredible arrangement ofprotest yet the advancement proceeded. Oil extricated from the felid advances toward Port Valdez by means of a1300 kilometer pipeline. In spite of the fact that means were taken to constrain thepipelines influence on nature it despite everything disturbs themigration of caribou. In 1989 the unimaginable occurred and the super big hauler ExxonValdez steered into the rocks spilling a great many gallons of raw petroleum intothe Prince William Sound. The impacts of the smooth were destroying. Inside seven days workerscounted 24000 dead ocean winged creatures and 1000 ocean otters. The impacts ofthe smooth were felt all through the evolved way of life from photoplanktonto bears. The Exxon organization supported the tidy up however there was nocompensation for the many individuals that lost their employment as aresult of the smooth. Contamination of the ArticA enormous danger to the Artic is transboundry contamination andbioaccumulation. These are both complex subjects yet are easilyexplained. Transboundry contamination is the contamination of the Articfrom different nations. The sea flows and wind conditionsresult in a lot of contamination being stored in theArtic. In winter when the sun is low thick covers of hazecan be seen over the Artic. Bioaccumulation is the procedure wherepollutants develop in the Artic in light of the fact that they can't be brokendown because of the extraordinary virus. When brutal synthetic substances discover their wayinto the natural pecking order they remain there perpetually, caught in theanimals and dregs. .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 , .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .postImageUrl , .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 , .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:hover , .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:visited , .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:active { border:0!important; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:active , .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d 2f690b404 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u3d41372208dbfdcca72a40d2f690b404:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Autism: Educational and Social Effects EssayA aftereffect of expanded contaminations in the environment is theoccurrence of corrosive downpour. Sulfur and Nitrogen dioxides float fromdeveloped nations and when they blend in with water in theatmosphere they can deliver corrosive downpour as solid as lemon juice. The corrosive snow dissolves in summer and spring creating an acidshock that can slaughter creatures and plants the same. In 1986 the atomic reactor in Chernoybl detonated sending anuclear cloud into the climate that among other placescontaminated plants and creatures in the Artic locale. Particularlyaffected were lichens, lichens are a plant that makes up themajority of a reindeers diet. At the point when the reindeers ate thelichens they became radioactive and a huge number needed to beshot. The travel industry versus preservation. In the fight among the travel industry and protection, the travel industry appears toalways win. Anyway in the Artic the travel industry has so far had littleeffect (contrasted with other human movement) on the earth. Thescenery and untamed life of the Artic are viewed as so exceptional thatpeople pay a large number of dollars for a little look at the Artic. It is accepted by numerous that Artic the travel industry will spread a generalconcern for the earth. There is no denying that if tourismis not controlled individuals will obliterate what they have come to see. The travel industry will alway conflict with protection and it is numerous peoplesopinion that travel industry ought to be stoped in the Artic altogether,but if there is cash to be made somebody will be there to providethe administration. End. People have had a lot of effect on the Artic condition. Mining, the travel industry bioaccumulation and transboundry contamination meanthat this land is an extraordinary danger. The travel industry is the most recent threatwith gigantic potential for harm. The Artic is one of the fewunspoilt wild regions on the planet and must be moderated.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Episode in my life Essay Example for Free
Scene in my life Essay Some may contemplate on how only playing hockey changed my point of view throughout everyday life and on individuals. Indeed, even I never expected seeking after my advantage would bring about such an emotional effect in my life. Everything began of when I was in my last year on the school hockey team.Ã Due to my position and involvement with the game, my mentor started to appoint me the obligation of training my youngsters to become goalkeepers like me. One of the youngsters I prepared was Ili Anis Athirah who was likewise truly outstanding of my supposed disciples. We became partners for the under 18 group in my last year on the crew. Out of the blue, our mentor picked Ili as the initial eleven players and put me on seat. At the point when I asked mentor for what valid reason he settled on such a choice, he said the two of us were similarly gifted yet Ili had two preferences contrasted with me; her vision was better and she was greater in size than me. All my enthusiasm and assurance to play for my last competition broke into pieces and transformed into sheer dissatisfaction. I was never allowed to play during that last competition. The group even broke into two gatherings. One gathering was my ally while the other was on Ilis. I didn't try to pick up compassion from my colleagues yet they were understanding and believed that mentor was being unreasonable to me. He was treating me like an old cloth that can be hurled away in the wake of being utilized for such a long time. At that point, during the quarter finals against one of the solid groups of the alliance, I had an opening of recovering myself to my partners and obviously my mentor. During that specific game, Ili performed seriously and offered approach to three objectives for the rival. Out of nowhere, mentor got Ili out and supplanted her with me! In any event, when I was hurrying to the goal line in those overwhelming goalkeepers gear, I thought; THIS is the decision time! I needed to refute the coachs decisions. Despite the fact that I was foolish and littler contrasted with Ili, I can even now play the game easily. I was not anxious on account of the game but rather I was eager to at long last find the opportunity to recover my situation in the group. Quality and karma was my ally that day. Not a solitary objective went through me. Despite the fact that we lost the game, I strolled to the seat with the rich sentiment of fulfillment that was past reasonable. In spite of the fact that I didn't anticipate that my mentor should apologize for surrendering me all through that last competition, I despite everything felt satisfied to simply see his face after the game; he had the appearance blended between surprise, doubt and simultaneously offense. I realize it will take him ages to understand that not allowing me to play during my last year genuinely made meextremely upset into pieces. From this experience, I didn't just find the opportunity to refute my mentor, however I likewise started to value my companions who were consistently on my side during the times of my hardships. They were the ones who dependably tuned in to my sentiments of frustrations and offered me quality through their expressions of guidance. In the event that it was not for them, I would not have the fearlessness and life to go up against such disappointment and embarrassment of being the saved player following four back to back long periods of being the main player. It likewise happened to me that not everything in life is lasting. The popularity and notoriety I picked up when I was in the group could be handily removed by only one choice the mentor made; From getting perhaps the best player, I turned into the seat occupant. I turned into an increasingly modest and unassuming individual in character because of this experience. Popularity and notoriety changed from getting one of my top needs to the least that I could mind of. I understood that there is significantly more in life, for example, the loyal companions I picked up however this scene in my life. Pardoning and tolerance likewise emerged to my faculties from this episode. I understood that regardless of what an individual does to you, we ought to figure out how to pardon them with our entire being. I started to excuse my mentor in spite of the fact that he settled on a decision that expand my heart with disappointment and embarrassment. I discovered that from pardoning and showing restraint, one can appreciate life better as adversaries and enemies won't encompass their life. Most importantly, I discovered that one should utilize the open doors given throughout everyday life. Not every person is fortunate like me to find the opportunity to refute different people groups discernment. One should snatch the odds given to them and put his entire being and endeavors in making full utilization of it. I started acknowledging chances given to me; simultaneously I turned into a progressively dedicated and enthusiastic individual in the things that I do. Fundamentally, I would not change this experience for the world due to its constructive effects throughout my life and character. I have figured out how to value my companions better and I likewise understood that notoriety and notoriety are not the most significant things throughout everyday life. I have to be sure become an increasingly quiet and pardonable individual also. Other than that, I started to utilize the great possibilities given to me throughout everyday life. Presumably, the decision time will remain in my heart FOREVER!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA Career Advice Interviews Are Not a Test
Blog Archive MBA Career Advice Interviews Are Not a Test In this weekly series, our mbaMission Career Coaches will be dispensing invaluable advice to help you actively manage your career. Topics include building your network, learning from mistakes and setbacks, perfecting your written communication, and mastering even the toughest interviews. For more information or to sign up for a free career consultation, click here. One of the most powerful things we learn as we go through interviews in our professional life is that perspective matters. The perspective you have will influence your attitude, your behavior, and your performance in an interview. Most people have the perspective that an interview is a test. They think of the interviewer as a judge or evaluator, scrutinizing their skills, strengths, weaknesses, character, and experiences and deciding whether they are worthy or good enough to proceed further. Thinking of an interview this way is natural because, indeed, the outcome of an interview is either a pass to the next round or a rejection. But if you think about your own experience as a person in conversation with others, you will know that this perspective is not the whole story. Certainly, you will remember times when you judged others and evaluated them in a conversation. But you will likely also remember times when you were disarmed by a story someone told and felt a strong connection to them. For reasons you could not quite explain, you thought, âI just like this person!!â That is because we are all human, and history and science have proven that human decision making is governed more by emotions than by rational or analytical thought processes. What this means is that an interview is not really a test. The interviewer will be influenced more by how they feel about you than by the content of what you say. So what if you adopted the perspective that the interview is just the first step in a new relationship? What if you thought of your interviewer as a future friend and colleague and the interview as the first conversation of many you will have with them throughout your career? Would that make the interview a more interesting exchange? Would it be more fun? Would just relaxing and sharing yourself openly be easier? And would that in turn engender more trust and affinity on the part of your interviewer? The thing about perspective is that it can never be right or wrong. It is a choice. If you choose to think of the interview as a test, you will have to deal with the consequences of that choice, including increased discomfort, performance anxiety, and stress. But if you choose to see it as the first step in a relationship with a friend, then you will likely treat it as the open dialogue and exchange of ideas it is truly meant to be and make the important emotional connection more readily, leading to better results in the process. Share ThisTweet MBA Career Advice
Monday, May 25, 2020
What is American Dream - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1592 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2018/12/17 Category Philosophy Essay Type Research paper Level High school Tags: American Dream Essay Freedom Essay United States Essay Did you like this example? Introduction An American dream is a vision that aims at building a cohesive experience. It aims at the creation of equal opportunities for all race, gender, and age to pursue various tasks. The dream seeks to offer children same opportunities for education as well as a career without artificial barriers. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is American Dream" essay for you Create order The rights of the citizen should be protected, and people should exercise their rights freely. The government should protect the people from domestic and international threats. The laws of the land should be enforced in a just manner. However, achieving the above dream is not an easy task. Hard work, dedication, patience, and resources are required. A specific strategy must be put in place to ensure that the dream is made a reality. James Truslow Adams was an American writer and historian. He began his writing career after saving enough capital to enable him to shift his career from investment banking. In his book The Epic of America, he defines the American dream as a vision where the lives of all individuals are more prosperous, better, and fuller as opposed to the situation of the society at the time. In his dream, everyone was presented with the same opportunities based on abilities of the individuals. His vision did not entail acquiring motor cars and high wages but a social order that enabled both genders to attain to the fullest stature of which the individuals are capable. It also entailed recognition of people for who they are and not based on circumstances of birth or position. However, Adams dream has changed and what he thought the country would be has changed. The following are reasons why his dream has turned, and his expectations are no longer the reality (Adams 404). Education expenses have skyrocketed in the current generation. Educating a child till she or he gets employment have become difficult especially for middle-class citizens. The government and other private school owners have taken the opportunity to exploit people in the name of education. The government has even come up with a loan program where individuals are offered capital to help them pursue education. However, there is an interest rate charged on every beneficiary of the program. As a result of this, students from average backgrounds have no option rather than acquire the loan if they have to finish school. The interest grows with time, and since these individuals cannot pay the loan at once even after getting a job, the loan accumulates burying them in debts and making their lives difficult. If the situation is analyzed critically, the conclusion is that the government is taking advantage of its poor citizen and exploiting them. When the government makes education cost high th en takes advantage of offering those who cant afford loans only to charge them high-interest rates, is a clear evidence that the American dream has changed. This is not how the visionaries projected the future to be since the idea sought to achieve equal education opportunities without artificial barriers (Canode 75). The generation present is made up of two major groups; those who are debt-free and the others. The debt-free people are the rich who have many business operations all over the country. These are owners of the big corporations where the ordinary citizens work. They are the individuals who make the rules since some of these people are politicians or have political influence. These people are the real estate owners where the poor rent and they decide when to raise the rent or lower it. The poor on the other hand have to depend on wages for survival. Most of them work in corporations where the new technology is making them more irrelevant as time goes by. Due to the reduced labor demand, competition for the available jobs increases. This leads to low payment of wages due to the surplus labor. In order to survive, these individuals are forced to take up loans to fulfill various tasks. These loans are offered at high rates that make it difficult for the poor to progress economically. The A merican dream emphasized on equal opportunities for everyone, and since this is not the case, it means that the dream has failed (Callahan 267). The citizens lives are prioritized in the American dream. People cannot perform various functions if they are unwell and weak. Therefore, proper healthcare services should be provided to all citizens. People should access these facilities when they feel sick not when they have money. The living cost has skyrocketed, and people are unable to afford healthcare facilities. Those who are employed have medical insurances. However, the medical insurance is unable to cover all the costs required for treatment. Due to this, people are forced to use their savings to carter for the remaining cost. The corporations on the hand are shifting the healthcare costs on individuals so that they can reduce expenses and increase profits. The income for these individuals has stagnated due to low demand for human labor. As a result of this, peoples lives have hardened due to increase in healthcare burden. The American vision aimed at an affordable provision of health services and the dream has failed to a chieve the above (Canode 80). A great emphasis is put on family welfare in the American dream. In the vision, the familys needs should be met at ease where one parent can work while the other one takes cares of the children. The wages of the working individual should be able to satisfy the needs of the family without other sources of income. This is the projected American dream which it is up to now. Stay-at-home parenting is a thing of the past due to the high cost of living and low wages offered in the most working environment. Both parents are forced to work while they leave their responsibilities to other individuals. They do so with the aim of increasing the revenue of the family so that the family can be able to acquire the essential commodities required and invest some for future use. While doing so, the parent-child bonding has been lost and the relationship between the two affected. It is clear that the dream has not been actualized since the projected objectives have not been achieved. Therefore, the Am erican dream has failed to meet its vision (Hauhart 148). All work with no play makes Jack a dull boy. As the saying goes, people need time away from work to refresh and involve themselves in curriculum activities. These activities help the individuals develop social skills to enable them to interact freely with each other as they spend personal time with their loved ones. During this period, people travel to different areas to undertake vacations and to refresh. During these periods, money and resources are spent as well as time. According to the American dream, people should be in a capacity to do the above. However, very few have the capability of undertaking a vacation. The capital available is insufficient for such expenditures. People would rather save than spend it for luxurious activities. People view vacations as wastage of time. Time in peoples mind is money since every minute spent doing nothing could be used to create wealth. Those who may be willing to undertake such vacations are finding themselves in a terrible place since th e corporations they work for find it difficult to release them. The reason for this is when they are away, they will be getting an income they have not worked for. In order to maintain ones job, people are doing away with vacations working throughout the year. Therefore, this shows that the American dream has failed (Callahan 258). In the American dream, the governing bodies such as the government should be at the front line of ensuring fairness for all. These institutions should ensure that there is fairness in everywhere doing whatever is necessary to achieve this. However, this is not the case. The government is suppressing the small businesses by putting up regulations that prevent them from expanding or carrying out the expected targeted activity. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are unable to start up their ideas. Through this, the big and established companies benefit since there is reduced competition from the new businesses. Through this, the American dream is dying since these government regulations have increased the poverty levels and increased overreliance on employment as a source of income. The government should come up with ways make business startup process easy to achieve the vision (Hauhart 153). Conclusion The projection of the American dream has failed to be accomplished in almost all levels. People existing in the present generation are faced with many challenges that could have been addressed by the American dream. People are suffering in many ways while the gap between the poor and the rich have widened. The government that is supposed to protect everyone is siding with the rich in suppressing the poor. The reason for this is the fact that majority of those in the state is the rich and may fail to understand the struggles of the ordinary citizens. The fairness in education, health, religion, and ethnicity among others is yet to be achieved. Therefore, the American dream has failed in achieving its core objective. Works Cited Adams, James T. The Epic of America. 2017. Callahan, William A. Dreaming as a critical discourse of national belonging: China Dream, American Dream and world dream. Nations and Nationalism, vol. 23, no.? 2,? 2017, pp. 248-270. Canode, Jillian L. Hunting the American Dream. Supernatural and Philosophy, 2013, pp.? 74-82. Hauhart, Robert C. The American Dream Critically Examined. Seeking the American Dream, 2016, pp.? 135-155.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Creative Ideas - Original Writing - 837 Words
creative ideas, but she is suffering since she lacks solid classroom management skills. I thought the rookie teacher would figure out some solutions over the summer, so far, little improvement has been noticed. Linda seems discouraged, and I am concerned that Linda will become another statisticââ¬âanother sprightly young teacher who ends up leaving a career that canââ¬â¢t afford to lose somebody with her kind of potential. I realized that potential and determined to step in with some support. With this in mind, I arrange a meeting with Ms. Linda. Pre-observation conference: This is a formative conference between a novice teacher, Ms. Linda and the supervisor, me. I was seated behind my desk as Ms. Linda walked in. I invited Ms. Linda to sit down in a chair directly across from me. Supervisor: ââ¬Å"Ms. Linda, I would like you to know I really appreciate your insistent belief and zeal for work. I admire the wonderful ideas you have brought to our curriculum. I am especially impressed about the bulletin board decorated in your classroom. I noticed that you tried very hard to maintain your classroom organized. I wonder if you have any concerns that you would like to share with me. Ms. Linda: ââ¬Å"Thanks for offering this chance to discuss my thoughts with you. I actually need your support to get through this problem. I have discovered that I had a difficult time to manage the circle time since several children always misbehaved at that moment. I donââ¬â¢t know how to bring theirShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Television On The Entertainment Industry925 Words à |à 4 PagesScreenwriters play a vital role in the entertainment industry as their ideas are showcased on television screens across the globe. For this purpose, screenwriters can be defined as creative workers who provide the script or screenplay for television networks, generally on a freelance basis (Davis et al. 78). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Bill to Legaliza Marijuana Around the United States Essay
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representative John(yuyuan) Ruan introduced to the following bill, which was referred to the Committee on A Bill Section 1: This Bill will legalize marijuana around the United States to meet the publicââ¬â¢s demand and allow the government full control of marijuana consumption and business. Section 2: The Congress hereby finds and declaresâ⬠¦ There has not been reported of any death case related to marijuana usage and overdose. Marijuana, called cannabis, is widely known around the nation and has spread through each street and alley. It can be legalized like other drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. It contains THC which can make people feel relaxed and high. When marijuana is legalized, it will allow theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Marijuana does not sound as harmful as people have said it, and itââ¬â¢s misleading the public. For example, the U.S federal government data has shown that the average THC in marijuana is less than five percent. Compare to Alcohol and tobacco, Marijuana does not cause strong addiction, cancer, heart problems, birth defect, emphysema, liver damages and ect. A recent 2009 populations case-control study found marijuana smoker that had smoked for over a 20 years period of time has shown a reduced risk of head and neck cancer. Without the effects of marijuana, the consumer is free from all memory issues but only cause short-term memory while under the influence of marijuana. Marijuana can reduce respiratory health hazard or spread of second hand smoking, since it can be consumed in non-smoking way and still have the same effect. Non-smoking hazard ways include using it as a spice for baking, flavor for drinking and etc. According to a 1997 UCLA school of Medicine study, volume 155 of the American Journal of Respiratory of Critical care Medicine, stated that both the continuing or the intermittent marijuana smoker showed any significantly different rates decline in lung function as compared to non-smoker. If marijuana were legalized, it will reduces health care cost by accidental injection of unsafe drug usage and reduce the possibility of overdose. Marijuana is a cash crop and will be taxed to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Open Pit Mining at Its Best free essay sample
Taking away layer after layer of land creates a gigantic, open hole (or pit) that keeps getting deeper and deeper until there is nothing left to bring out. Explosives (like dynamite) are used when the miners want to get large blocks of materials out of the earth. Most of the time, when the mining company is done with it, the pit is used as a landfill. A landfill is used as a dump to get rid of our garbage. When it is filled with garbage, it is covered over with layers of dirt. After the garbage rots a long time, the land can be used again. Some examples of locations of open pit mining in Australia are: (Super Pit)à ââ¬â gold mine nearà Kalgoorlie, Western Australia (Cadia mine)à ââ¬â gold and copper mine located nearà Orange, New South Wales (Boddington Gold Mine)à ââ¬âà Boddington, Western Australia (Telfer Mine)à ââ¬â Gold and copper mine inà Pilbara,à Western Australia (Ranger Mine)ââ¬â Uranium mine east ofà Darwinà in theà Northern Territory,à Weipa, Queensland. We will write a custom essay sample on Open Pit Mining at Its Best or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To get at the mineral, rocks and wealth just below the surface, the entire area needs to be stripped of all vegetation and natural animal habitats. For example, Brazil has some of the largest open pit mines in the world, which have been created by removing thousands of acres of rain forest, which sustained countless numbers of animal species. Mining requires loads of machines to dig out the minerals, large trucks to take them away and further machines to process the resource. These all run on carbon-based fuels which lead to emissions. This contributes to global warming and has unknown effects on the local area. Charcoal is often used as a fuel for some machines, and although it is not as polluting as oil and coal, it does require the felling of trees to make the fuel. This causes even more destruction to local habitats. Chemical use is use in g open pit mining, which involves the use of harsh chemicals to extract minerals from the rock. These chemicals seep into the soil which makes it harder for anything to grow and can run off into water sources which poisons animals and plants. After mining finishes, the mine area must undergoà rehabilitation. Waste dumps are used in the pit to flatten them out. If the ore containsà sulphidesà it is usually covered with a layer ofà clayà to prevent access ofà rainà andà oxygenà from the air, which can oxidise the sulphides to produceà sulphuric acid, known asà acid mine drainage. This is then generally covered withà soil, and vegetation is planted.
Friday, April 10, 2020
What Your Digital Content is Missing and What it Could Cost You
If a company writes a blog post and no one reads it, does it really exist? In the digital age, the amount of content your company produces for websites, blogs and social media are not nearly as important as the impact it creates in terms of views, traffic and shares. The degree to which your content has an impact will depend on a number of factors including its relevance, its originality and whether or not it is compelling for your target audience. If your blog traffic is stagnant and your social media blasts arenââ¬â¢t making the rounds online, what might your content be missing? Here are a few elements you need to keep in mind to create impactful content. Ensure Itââ¬â¢s Relevant and Timely Simply put, content needs to be relevant for your target audience and be available at the right time. For example, the last thing people probably want to read about in May is a deal on shovels or tips on how to prepare for winter. People are probably more concerned about planting their garden or planning their summer vacations and you likely wonââ¬â¢t get many readers, traffic or sales from your winter-themed posts. Make sure to do research and determine what specifically your users are interested in at different times of year and where they are looking for that information so you can be ready with the right content at the right time in the right place. The Long and Short of it There is much debate as to the optimal length for online content. Some will tell you to never go over 500 words while others strongly support the need for extensive and detailed content. But the truth is, you need a mixture of both. Make it Sharable If you are hoping to get your content shared amongst your audience, there are a few things to consider when developing this content. These include a compelling title, the type of content you choose, the way it is organized, where and when you publish, images and calls-to-action. You can find more information on these topics here. However, if you are not designing your content strategy to fit your specific audience, none of these things will help increase the reach of your content. If you give your audience what they want, they will end up doing to leg work for you. Be Emotional People need to be intrigued and entertained. Fractl explains that while an emotional response to your content is a good thing, some emotions are better then others at encouraging your audience to share. The top five shareable content emotions are amusement, interest, surprise, happiness and delight. Take advantage of these findings and bump up your audienceââ¬â¢s interest and willingness to share. What Bad Content Could Cost You When you ignore these valuable lessons you may be missing out on more than just entertaining your audience. Having less engaging content means you will: Be less likely to have content shared on social media Have decreased online visibility Have lower brand awareness Have reduced sales Companies and marketers who miss these details and concepts in their digital content are less likely to have their content read and less likely to have it shared on social media. Take the time to get to know your audience and figure out what content they would be most interested in reading. Those who can do this well will be rewarded with more online visibility and brand awareness, which can translate into increased sales.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
McDonalds Strategic Audit Essay Example
McDonalds Strategic Audit Essay Example McDonalds Strategic Audit Paper McDonalds Strategic Audit Paper McDonalds as being ninth most valuable brand in the world which has replaced the US army as the Nationââ¬â¢s largest job training organization Controls the market share of more than 3 food chains taken together in America started in 1940. McDonalds Corporation (MCD) is the worlds largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily. McDonalds primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts. More recently, it has begun to offer salads, wraps and fruit. Many McDonalds restaurants have included a playground for children and advertising geared toward children, and some have been redesigned in a more natural style, with a particular emphasis on comfort: introducing lounge areas and fireplaces, and eliminating hard plastic chairs and tables. Company has also expanded the McDonalds menu in recent decades to include alternative meal options like salads and snack wraps in order to capitalize on growing consumer interest in health and wellness. Each McDonalds restaurant is operated by a franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation itself. The corporations revenues come from the rent, royalties and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company operated restaurants. McDonalds revenues grew 27% over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9% growth in operating income to $3.9 billion McDonaldsââ¬â¢s success is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive competitive strategies and the high integrity of our people. McDonalds is continuing to expand and introduce new alternative beverages in the market. Approximately 85% of McDonaldââ¬â¢s restaurant businesses world-wide are owned and operated by franchisees .All franchisees are independent, full-time operators. McDonaldââ¬â¢s was named Entrepreneurââ¬â¢s Number-one franchise for 1997 McDonaldââ¬â¢s corp. is currently one of the most successful consumer products company in the world with annual revenues exceeding $23 million and has more than 1.6 million employees. McDonaldââ¬â¢s products are recognized and are most respected all around the globe. Currently, its divisions operate in all over the world in beverages, snack foods, and restaurants. The corporations increasing success has been based on high standards of performance, marketing strategies, competitiveness, determination, commitment, and the personal and professional integrity of their people, products and business practices. McDonaldââ¬â¢s believes their success depends upon the quality and value of their products by providing a safe, whole some, economically efficient and a healthy environment for their customers; and by providing a fair return to their investors while maintaining the highest standards of integrity. McDonalds A Global Phenomenon McDonalds opened its doors in India in October 1996. Ever since then, our family restaurants in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Noida Faridabad, Doraha, Manesar and Gurgaon have proceeded to demonstrate, much to the delight of all our customers, what the McDonalds experience is all about. Our first restaurant opened on 15th April 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, U.S.A. Almost 50 years down the line, we are the worlds largest food service system with more than 30,000 restaurants in 100 countries, serving more than 46 million customers every day. Locally Owned McDonaldââ¬â¢s in India is a 50-50 joint venture partnership between McDonaldââ¬â¢s Corporation [USA] and two Indian businessmen. Amit Jatiaââ¬â¢s company Hardcastle Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. owns and operates McDonalds restaurants in Western India. While Connaught Plaza Restaurants Pvt. Ltd headed by Vikram Bakshi owns and operates the Northern operations. Amit Jatia and Vikram Bakshi are like-minded visionaries who share McDonalds complete commitment to Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (QSCV). Having signed their joint-venture agreements with McDonalds in April 1995, they trained extensively, along with their Indian management team, in McDonalds restaurants in Indonesia and the U.S.A. before opening the first McDonaldââ¬â¢s restaurant in India.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
MR5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
MR5 - Assignment Example By year 2009, percentage of subscribers steadily increased to 61.7%. But this is not always the case. A six-percent declination of market was experienced by Sprint even after the merge. Due to consolidations, large companies become stronger in the market while smaller wireless networks are affected disapprovingly. Reedââ¬â¢s statements are well-supported by relevant announcements of the Government Accountability Office or GAO. He is successful in giving statistics depicting the increase and decrease of wireless network companiesââ¬â¢ economy. For instance, he quoted GAOââ¬â¢s statement that the prices of the wireless products are approximately 50% lesser than the prices of products 11 years ago. Unquestionably, wireless product consumers would choose to avail the merged services of two giant companies. Though this is a disadvantage to some small carriers, expansion of the wireless industry becomes possible. Small carriers try to be more competitive by offering new products and services to the
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Zara - strategic review report for the CEO Essay
Zara - strategic review report for the CEO - Essay Example Zara, a brand of Inditex, has achieved to establish its position as a leading firm in the global fashion industry.The strategies of Zara are reviewed in this paper in order to identify the key reasons of the brandââ¬â¢s success. These strategies are evaluated by referring to the organizational internal and external environment as involved in the brandââ¬â¢s operations and performance. Appropriate literature has been used in order to understand the brandââ¬â¢s current strategies and its prospects for future growth. The paper has been divided into four parts. In the first part emphasis is given on the analysis of Zaraââ¬â¢s macro and micro environment. In this way, the effectiveness of the brandââ¬â¢s strategies, as aligned with the conditions in the brandââ¬â¢s environment can be evaluated. The second and the third parts of the paper focuses on the challenges that Zara has to face in regard to its internal strategic audit and the management of its stakeholders. In th e fourth part, certain strategic options are presented, as available to Zara under current market conditions. The review of the organizationââ¬â¢s environment has proved that the growth of Zara can be related to the interaction of a series of factors, referring both to the internal and the external environment of the brand; the brandââ¬â¢s success cannot be considered as resulted by chance. Introduction This paper focuses on the review and the evaluation of Zaraââ¬â¢s strategies taking into consideration the conditions in the brandââ¬â¢s environment. Particular reference is made to the UK market, as the basis for analyzing the performance of Zara, both currently and in the near future. The strategic decisions of Zara are reviewed and evaluated in order to check the brandââ¬â¢s future prospects. In addition, this analysis helps to identify the strategic options appropriate for securing the brandââ¬â¢s further growth. Question 1 [1059 words] In-depth analysis of the competitive forces and strategic issues shaping Zaraââ¬â¢s industry from 2012 onwards 1.1 Macro-environment: PESTEL Analysis PESTEL analysis, as a strategic tool, is based on the idea that the performance of an organization can be affected by six factors related to its external environment (Henry 2008). The PESTEL analysis of the UK fashion industry would refer to six elements of this industry (Bowhill 2008): a) Political; Political environment in UK is quite stable; government supports organizational growth in regard to all industries. Recently, on the 13th of March, the British government has asked for an inquiry in regard to the status of the countryââ¬â¢s retail sector (Holland 2013), probably under the fear that governmental decisions do not effectively support the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Charlie and the Choclate Factory Essay Example for Free
Charlie and the Choclate Factory Essay Despite the fact these were produced 34 years apart, there are many striking similarities. Of course, there are also many differences, which a viewer would expect in films that were done so far apart. Although these films were done three decades apart, the formula of the fantasy genre has not changed much over the course of the decades. The most obvious similarity in the genre is the general audience who will view these movies. The general theory of the fantasy genre is to create an imaginary world, which viewers can get immersed in to give them a break from reality. In this regard, both films succeeded wonderfully. On the flip side, the major difference in the genre is the scope of the imaginary world that can be created. In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the filmmakers were limited by having to create their imaginary world in a real world space. In 1971, filmmakers didnââ¬â¢t have the ability to create an unlimited virtual world like modern day fantasy filmmakers have, so the grandeur of the world that can be created now is very different. While the formula of the fantasy genre hasnââ¬â¢t changed a great deal, the social context of the time periods these films were made in has. For example, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory puts a greater emphasis on the disparity between social classes, which was a major aspect of the 1970ââ¬â¢s. The movie also focuses on proper behavior, being appreciative of what you have, acceptable societal behavior, and morals. In comparison, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was created during a time period when society places more emphasis on entertainment value in movies, instead of using them as a tool to express and teach acceptable societal behaviors. The remake also doesnââ¬â¢t focus as heavily on the difference between social classes, as the social classes have been blurred in todayââ¬â¢s society, and arenââ¬â¢t as well defined as they were in the 1970ââ¬â¢s. Oftentimes, remakes deviate from what was done in the original movie. This is done for many reasons, but may actually hurt the remake. That is not the case with the editing style of these films, as the editing style of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory had a significant impact on the editing style of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The editing style and importance of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, directed by Mel Stuart, made it become one of the mo Read Full Essay Join Now! Get instant access to over 50,000 Papers and Essays Join OtherPapers. com Similar Essays Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Rogers Chocolates Case Study (Internal/External Analysis) The House Of Spirits And Like Water For Chocolate, Respectively. Loss Of Innocence And The Corruption Of Man Are A Couple Of The Most Significant Themes Found In Both Books. These Themes Are Shown In The Characters Of The Book After What Really Makes Factories Flexible? Ethels Chocolate Lounge Chocolate Truffles I Like Chocolate Milk Rogers Chocolate Chocolate Case Testing To Find How Much Protein Is In 1% Chocolate Milk Versus 2% White Milk SWOT Analysis For Custom Coffee ; Chocolate Chocolate Case Factory Farming And Diabetes Like Water For Chocolate Analysis Donate paper | Join now! | Login | Support à © 2010 ââ¬â 2011 OtherPapers. com OtherPapers. com High-quality Essays, Term Papers and Research Papers Access over 50. 000 Essays and Papers Get Better Grades! Sign up for your FREE account. There are ABSOLUTELY no membership fees at OtherPapers. om. For our free membership, please upload one paper to the site. Your account will be activated immediately! Prepare Your Document Title: Category: Select One American HistoryBiographiesBusinessEnglishHistory OtherLiteratureMiscellaneousMusic and MoviesPhilosophyPsychologyReligionScienceSocial IssuesTechnology Copy paste paper: Use this method if youd prefer to copy and paste your paper into a for m. Join now! Login Support Other Term Papers and Free Essays Browse Papers Music and Movies / Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Vs. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Vs. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Research Paper Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Vs. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory and over other 20 000+ free term papers, essays and research papers examples are available on the website! Autor: people 30 June 2012 Tags: Words: 1820 | Pages: 8 Views: 57 Read Full Essay Join Now! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) is a remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971). Despite the fact these were produced 34 years apart, there are many striking similarities. Of course, there are also many differences, which a viewer would expect in films that were done so far apart. Although these films were done three decades apart, the formula of the fantasy genre has not changed much over the course of the decades. The most obvious similarity in the genre is the general audience who will view these movies. The general theory of the fantasy genre is to create an imaginary world, which viewers can get immersed in to give them a break from reality. In this regard, both films succeeded wonderfully. On the flip side, the major difference in the genre is the scope of the imaginary world that can be created. In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the filmmakers were limited by having to create their imaginary world in a real world space. In 1971, filmmakers didnââ¬â¢t have the ability to create an unlimited virtual world like modern day fantasy filmmakers have, so the grandeur of the world that can be created now is very different. While the formula of the fantasy genre hasnââ¬â¢t changed a great deal, the social context of the time periods these films were made in has. For example, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory puts a greater emphasis on the disparity between social classes, which was a major aspect of the 1970ââ¬â¢s. The movie also focuses on proper behavior, being appreciative of what you have, acceptable societal behavior, and morals. In comparison, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was created during a time period when society places more emphasis on entertainment value in movies, instead of using them as a tool to express and teach acceptable societal behaviors. The remake also doesnââ¬â¢t focus as heavily on the difference between social classes, as the social classes have been blurred in todayââ¬â¢s society, and arenââ¬â¢t as well defined as they were in the 1970ââ¬â¢s. Oftentimes, remakes deviate from what was done in the original movie. This is done for many reasons, but may actually hurt the remake. That is not the case with the editing style of these films, as the editing style of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory had a significant impact on the editing style of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The editing style and importance of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, directed by Mel Stuart, made it become one of the mo Read Full Essay Join Now! Get instant access to over 50,000 Papers and Essays Join OtherPapers. com Similar Essays Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Rogers Chocolates Case Study (Internal/External Analysis)
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Common Origins of the Worldââ¬â¢s Major Religions Essay -- Essays Pape
The Common Origins of the Worldââ¬â¢s Major Religions All too often in modern society it is the differences and conflicts that serve to separate religious groups that are emphasized. The mainstream media, fundamentalistsââ¬â¢ propaganda, and other sources choose to ignore the numerous similarities that many religions share, and instead focus on the divisive elements. In this paper, I will attempt to shed light on the many commonalities in dogma that I believe exist between the major religions of the world. I also want to illustrate the fact that in addition to having similar core teachings, many religions have histories that have either endured or arisen during times of persecution. It is ironic that in many cases, the persecution that a particular group faces happens to be at the hands of the mainstream of a society who at one time or another had been persecuted themselves for their religious beliefs. Throughout the history of civilization, religion has played an essential role in many societies. There are many reasons why religions have played such a prominent role in defining the culture of a society, but arguably the most notable of these reasons is that a belief or faith in a spiritual or divine power can add meaning and significance to may peopleââ¬â¢s worldly lives. This phenomenon has proven to be especially true amongst persecuted peoples. One of the reasons why persecuted peoples have shown a great propensity for holding steadfast religious beliefs is that their faith can give them a sense of hope and reason for living despite the terrible conditions of persecution. Evidence of this can be seen in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic societies. All three of these societies have been subjected to varying forms of pers... ...micro as well as macro levels. Works Cited Armstrong, Karen. The Battle for God. New York: Random House, Inc. 2000. Armstrong, Karen. Islam. New York: The Modern Library. 2000. Chilton, Bruce. Rabbi Jesus. New York: Random House, Inc. 2000. Encyclopedia Britannica 2002 Herman, A.L. A Brief Introduction to Hinduism. Boulder: Westview Press. 1991. Humphreys, Christmas. Exploring Buddhism. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1974. Kauffman, William E. Contemporary Jewish Philosophies. New York: University Press of America. 1985. Iftekhar, Mahmood. Islam: Beyond Terrorists and Terrorism. Lanham: University Press of America. 2000. ââ¬Å"Christians Try to Recapture Jewish Roots,â⬠
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Effecrs Of Employee Satisfaction Essay
This weekââ¬â¢s reading covered regression and inferences about differences. Regression is a statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable and a series of other changing variables. This information helps determine what factors affect certain outcomes and which do not. This article was really interesting as it explored a very realistic question of whether positive employee attitudes and behaviors influence business outcomes or whether positive business outcomes influence positive employee attitudes and behaviors. At its core concept, regression takes a group of random variables, thought to be predicting an outcome, and tries to find a mathematical relationship between them. This relationship is typically linear and takes into account all the individual data points. The hypothesis in this study by Daniel Koys was that employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and employee turnover influence profitabil ity and customer satisfaction. Data was gathered from a restaurant chain using employee surveys, manager surveys, customer surveys, and organizational records. Regression analyses showed that employee attitudes and behaviors at a given ââ¬ËTime 1ââ¬â¢ were related to organizational effectiveness at given ââ¬ËTime 2ââ¬â¢ however additional regression analyses show no significant relationship between organizational effectiveness at Time 1 and the employee attitudes and behaviors at Time 2. Overall it was determined that employee behaviors have a more direct impact on organizational effectiveness than do employee attitudes, especially when the concept of organizational effectiveness includes profitability as well as customer attitudes towards the restuarant. Further research was conducted in a restaurant chain to determine the relationship between employee satisfaction on organizational citizenship. Employee satisfaction was measured using a survey of hourly employees. Organizational citizenship behavior was measured via a survey of the employeesââ¬â¢ managers. Results from the study showed in Year 1, 774 hourly employees (average of 28 per unit)à and 64 managers (average of 2 per unit) responded to the surveys. In Year 2, 693 hourly employees (average of 25) and 79 managers (average of 3) responded. Customer satisfaction was measured by a survey conducted in 24 units. Surveys were distributed in the restaurants at predetermined times by the restaurant host/hostess and they collected 5,565 customer responses for Year 1 (an average of 232 per unit) and 4,338 responses for Year 2 (an average of 182 per unit). Based on results of the study it was determined that data supported the idea that human resource factors such as positive employee attitudes influence organizational effectiveness. The results showed that Year lââ¬â¢s outcomes account for 14% to 31% of the variance in Year 2ââ¬â¢s organizational effectiveness. The results showed some support for the hypothesis that Year lââ¬â¢s unit-level employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover predict Year 2ââ¬â¢s unit-level profitability but there was a stronger support for the hypothesis that Year lââ¬â¢s unit-level employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover predict Year 2ââ¬â¢s unit-level customer satisfaction. In the reading it was noted that employee satisfaction had the only significant beta weight. Although this implies that employee satisfaction influences customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction may still affect employee satisfaction. There may be a reciprocal relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction but like all statistical results one can only conclude that data judging the relationship between employee satisfaction and organizational effectiveness is still an open question needing continued research.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Prison Culture Prisonization And Assimilation - 2740 Words
Prison Culture: Prisonization Assimilation in the U.S. Shanequa Ricketts John Jay College CRJ 425 Prof. Cheloukhine Summer 2015 Abstract Prisonization is a concept first introduced in 1940 by Clemmer. He defined it as the process of assimilation in prisons, where new inmates take on a less or greater degree of the customs, folkways, and the general culture in a penitentiary. Prisonization can be described in similar terms to those used by sociologists in capturing the processes of assimilation and socialization of communities at large. In the same manner people are assimilated to the customs and norms of a society, inmates must also assimilate themselves into the self-contained community they find in prison. They need to re-adjust from their normal lives and learn the new norms and rules, as well as the implied expected patterns of behavior since they are discordant from the societal values of a free world. Also referred to as the ââ¬Å"inmate codeâ⬠, this is the kind of behavior that is considered to be unacceptable in the free world but is encouraged, and rewarded within the prison walls. In the United States of America, the jail culture has been referred to as out of control and unruly in most cases. There have been instances of gang control of prison activities through member inmates. There are also patterns of assimilation in the jails, especially bearing in mind that most of the people incarcerated are from different cultures most and countries. In essence, the
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